Shield vs. Global Relay: A Comprehensive Comparison

Too many organizations are struggling with compliance because the insights they need to stay ahead of market abuse, internal bad actors, and increasing regulatory risk are invisible to them. Outdated systems generate too many false positives. Alerts are not sufficiently relevant and provide tepid risk coverage.

This page is designed to provide you with clarity on the differences between Shield and GlobalRelay, helping you make an informed decision tailored to your business needs.

We zig when others zag

Shield stands out in the compliance technology sector.
What does this mean to you?

Read hidden risk you need to see

Our financial compliance experts from around the world have teamed up with in-house data scientists to provide comprehensive risk coverage with our powerful AI suite that’s focused on finding risk you need to see.

Read it in your language

Language-specific AI models analyze risk in the native language in real time. Achieve better coverage across languages, picking up important nuance and context, better than attempting to translate every communication to English before running models designed on for English language.

Read it how it’s meant to be read

We maintain data in high fidelity, preserving the original format of communications for easier review. With Shield, a Teams message looks like a Teams message. A text message looks like a text message. The context of the communication with full metadata is maintained for ultimate analysis and clarity.

Read what’s yours, compliantly

And above all—your data is your data—and you need to review it all. Global data should be stored locally, as required by global regulations with segmentation of duty should provide instant access to all authorized stakeholders. And with data reconciliation and completeness reviews, be confident you’re seeing it all.

Read between the lines

With a unified review, you can see who is talking to who, how often, and about what. The whole picture comes together when you’re reviewing communications monitoring holistically.

Don’t just take our word for it

Through our collaboration and partnership with some of the world’s leading firms, like AWS, and Microsoft, we’ve been able to help our customers reduce alerts by 97%, conduct faster investigations, and reduce compliance costs.

Gartner Hype Cycle for Data Security 2023

Market Guide for Digital Communications

Finalist in 2022-2023 Cloud Awards

Best Complete Communications Compliance Platform 2021

FinTech Global's 2024 RegTech 100 list

Why selecting the right compliance technology is crucial

Legacy technologies come with hidden costs, lacking integration, risk coverage, and transparency. Shield offers a solution that addresses these challenges, ensuring businesses operate efficiently and compliantly.

Shield’s capabilities have been recognized for their ability to scale with high-end use cases, deep financial service expertise, and continued investments in analytics and AI/ML.

Why Shield beats the competition

Wider risk coverage with accuracy

Shield’s Ensemble of AI capabilities contextualizes risk inside of language and surfaces relevant alerts for Market Abuse, Employee Conduct and more

Cloud-native scale & performance

Unlike Global Relay’s data center-based design, we offer cloud-native micro service approaches for better availability, performance, and flexibility, scaled to the speed, complexity, and volumes of today’s communications data.

Avoid costly export fees

We don’t hold client data hostage, ensuring a smooth migration without exorbitant fees. Ask us about strategies to stop the bleeding of export fees and reactive data analysis costs.

Natural formatting

We maintain the original format of communications, unlike Global Relay, we don’t flatten content to email format, ensuring faster and more effective reviews.

Listen up

Monitor and review voice with surveillance analysis and review tools built for the real world of finance and financial risk.

Costly data extraction

Global Relay charges $50/GB for data extraction, limiting customer ownership of their data.

High false positive rates

Persistent high false positive rates.

Flattened data

Converting non-email formats into email format, causing loss of original data context and messy content to parse through.

Performance challenges

Due to older architecture, they face performance issues and lack public APIs, leading to longer response times and additional costs.

Voice Surveillance

Basic voice functionality with English only support doesn’t deliver the critical insights you need to get ahead of risk.

Risk coverage

Over 100 risk behaviours covering:

Market abuse

Consumer protection

Personal misconduct

Information mishandling

Information barriers


False positive alerts

Reduced by 95% with advanced AI

High false positive rate

Complete assurance

Completeness reports

Diagnostic tools

Automated email reconciliation

Not available


Self-service exporting

No export fees

No professional services needed

High costs that add up

Wait for access to your own data

Adaptable infrastructure

Flexible for modern data source complexity

Scalable for increasing data volumes and data residency regulations

Compatible with any platform

Needed legacy infrastructure


  • Do I need to migrate the entire archive and/or the journal archive?

    Not at all. Shield is flexible for any data strategy and archive, so you can keep your data where it is, move your data to Shield’s advanced platform, or choose a combination of the two. Ask us for advice on updating your data strategy that scales for your business needs.

  • Does the archived data need to be reconverted back to its original format?

    No way. We archive the records in their original format, but you can convert to .eml format upon export

  • How long will the migration take?

    Our implementation team comprises some of the best professionals in the business, implementing our best-in-class system in as little as 3 months.

  • Will I be able to account for 100% of my archived mail?

    Definitely. Shield’s completeness reporting, diagnostic tools, and automated reconciliation makes completeness assurance a sure thing.

Shield on AWS

Shield operates on AWS, ensuring scalability, reliability, and top-tier security for all its operations.

Shield’s partnership with AWS provides customers with the best use of prior commitments as well as the advantage of ownership and control over their own data.

Read between the lines

See how Shield can provide a seamless, efficient, and cost-effective

compliance technology solution

*The information provided on this comparison page is based on our current understanding and analysis of both Shield and Global Relay’s offerings. Please be aware that the features, capabilities, and solutions described may evolve as both companies continue to develop and enhance their products. We recommend consulting directly with the respective companies for the most up-to-date and detailed information.