Gone Rogue Podcast

A narrative series about the financial mavericks who bend the rules till they break and we outline how things have changed and would the story play out differently now?

In each season we’ll investigate financial misconduct at the very biggest scale – hearing from those closest to the action to discover how people use and abuse financial loopholes, and what the industry can do to stop it from happening again.

Subscribe now and be among the first to uncover the secrets behind one of Wall Street’s most notorious firms.

Season 1

This season we investigate the story of the biggest settlement for insider trading in history: SAC Capital Advisors, founded by the enigmatic Steve Cohen. Enter into a realm where ambition knows no bounds, and the line between legality and exploitation blurs.

Episode One: The Midas touch

In a tale of Wall St legend, Steve Cohen made $8,000 in profit on his first day as a Wall St. trader. Everything he touched turned to millions and when he founded his own hedge fund, investors queued up round the block to see their money double before their eyes. But much like the Greek King of Myth, this magic touch soon brought unwanted consequences. Whether through jealousy of his success or genuine concern, rumours began to swirl and everyone, including the Federal government, began to ask: Just how did SAC turn a buck?

Episode Two: The man busting Wall Street

After scraping through several legal battles, SAC might feel they’ve proven themselves beyond scrutiny. Enter ‘The Man Busting Wall St.’: Preet Bharara. A hotshot District Attorney with a track record of getting the biggest Wall St. scalps now has his sights set firmly on SAC – who will blink first? So begins a tight battle fought through lawyers, press releases, and even more lawyers. As 2 senior figures at SAC are charged with insider trading, the pressure on SAC reaches boiling point.

Episode Three: In the eyes of the law

Following the largest ever settlement for insider trading in history, SAC is no more – but Cohen escapes with his skin intact. So, what are the consequences of this investigation? Did it change anything? In 1 word: Everything. We discuss with leading industry figures the growing power of compliance and surveillance in the 10 years since the case was closed. We also look towards the future – how will new technology like AI impact Wall St.? Will it be a boon to regulators? Or will it only empower the people looking for any way to get an edge on their competition?


Cassandra Morrison
Cassandra Morrison
Financial Compliance Thought Leader


John Moon
John Moon
Former SEC branch chief and enforcement attorney, and a former federal prosecutor
Bethany McLean
Bethany McLean
Leading finance journalist working at Vanity Fair
Turney Duff
Turney Duff
Former Wall St trader and partner in a $1.4bn Hedge Fund
Charles Gasparino
Charles Gasparino
One of the US’s leading financial journalists
Cameron Funkhouser
Cameron Funkhouser
Former EVP for the Office of Fraud Detection and Market Intelligence at FINRA
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